VirSecCon CTF Forensics Writeups
1) I Lost My Password! (75)
DESCRIPTION-Oh no! Can you please help me retrieve my password?
To submit this flag, you must wrap the discovered password in the typical flag format.
Download the files below.
passwd and shadow
→ Use commands-
⇒ unshadow passwd shadow > pass (unshadow tool is used to combine the passwd and shadow files into a format that John The Ripper tool can read)
⇒ john --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt pass (using rockyou.txt file located in /usr/share/wordlists/ directory, to crack passwords and saving its output in a file named as pass (or any other name))
⇒ john --show pass (we can use the --show flag to display the cracked passwords that John successfully recovered)
→ Flag- LLS{whiterose}
2) QUACK (90)
DESCRIPTION-We found this binary on a USB drive someone left lying around. There was a note attached, that read: “you’re the one.”
Download the file below.
→ Use commands-
⇒ Install script from link-
⇒ -d -l gb inject.bin
⇒ bash | base64 -d | strings
→ Flag- LLS{rubber_ducky_not_just_for_bathtubs}
3) Tragic Number (95)
DESCRIPTION-For some reason, this zip archive won't unzip. Help!
Download the file below.
→ Use commands-
⇒ hexeditor (change the magic number of this file as its magic number of zip file is incorrect here)
⇒ Now, unzip above zip file after correcting the magic number using command- unzip
⇒ See the flag in unzipped file using command- cat flag.txt
→ Flag- LLS{tragic_number_more_like_magic_number}
ReplyDeleteGood Post. I like your blog. Thanks for Sharing good information.
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